
Marcos G. Quiles is an Associate Professor at the Department of Science and Technology, Federal University of São Paulo, Brazil. He received his BS degree, with honours, in 2003 from the State University of Londrina, Brazil, and his M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science from the University of São Paulo, Brazil, in 2004 and 2009, respectively. From January to July of 2008, Quiles was a Visiting Scholar in the Perception and Neurodynamics Lab at The Ohio State University, Columbus-OH-US. From January to December of 2017, Quiles was an Academic Visitor at the University of York, York-UK. His research interests include nature-inspired computing, machine learning, complex networks, and their applications in interdisciplinary problems.

Currículo Lattes

Frente (s) de trabalho

Observatório clínico e social envolvendo interação com vigilância epidemiológica, organização de coortes, data science e mídias sociais

Linhas de Pesquisa

Aprendizado de Máquina

Palavras chaves de pesquisa

Classificação, agrupamento de dados, análise de séries temporais, redes complexas


Aprendizado de Máquina e Suas Aplicações Interdisciplinares